Achilleos 1 Building, 1st Floor,
Saripolou 2-8, 3036, Limassol, Cyprus
P: +357 25 245014
F: +357 25 002884

Teaching Activities at CUT

The LoG staff is involved in a total number of 12 courses, 8 undergraduate and 4 postgraduate modules

IDModule IDTitleECTSCourse
1GEO131Geodesy I5BSc-GEO
2GEO273Summer Field Exercises in Surveying4BSc-GEO
3GEO331Geodesy III4BSc-GEO
4GEO334Satellite Geodesy4BSc-GEO
5GEO338Geodesy IV5BSc-GEO
6GEO373Summer Field Exercises in Special Geoinformatics Subjects4BSc-GEO
7GEO461Hydrography, Oceanology & Marine Geodesy5BSc-GEO
8GEO482Bachelor's Thesis6BSc-GEO
9GEO551Geoinformatics & GIS Principles6MSc-GEO
10GEO552Geospatial Data Acquisition & Management6MSc-GEO
11GEO562Advanced Positioning & Navigation Techniques6MSc-GEO
12GEO580MSc Thesis6MSc-GEO

To date, the laboratory has supervised 30 undergraduate students’ theses, and 8 Master’s Degree theses. Dr. Danezis is currently supervising six (6) PhD students, and co-supervising seven (7) students based in CUT and abroad.

PhD Theses


  • Vacanas, Y.. 2018. The Risk of Delay in Cyprus Construction Industry: Causes, Effects and Control. PhD Thesis, Cyprus.
    address = {Cyprus},
    title = {The {Risk} of {Delay} in {Cyprus} {Construction} {Industry}: {Causes}, {Effects} and {Control}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Vacanas, Y.},
    year = {2018}

Master’s Theses


  • Antoniou, E.. 2021. Construction Project Management in Limassol during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Master Thesis, Limassol, Cyprus.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{C}onstruction {P}roject {M}anagement in {L}imassol during the {COVID-19} {P}andemic},
    author = {Antoniou, E.},
    year = {2021}


  • Ioannou, G.. 2020. Crowdsourcing Application Development for Smart Devices for Early and Effective Recording and Reporting of Natural Disasters. Master Thesis, Limassol, Cyprus.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Crowdsourcing {Application} {Development} for {Smart} {Devices} for {Early} and {Effective} {Recording} and {Reporting} of {Natural} {Disasters}},
    author = {Ioannou, G.},
    year = {2020}


  • Fotiou, K.. 2019. Deformation Monitoring in World Heritage Monuments using sar Satellite data, Interferometry and Geodetic Techniques : The Case Study of Chroirokitia Archaeological Site, Cyprus. Master Thesis, Limassol, Cyprus.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Deformation} {Monitoring} in {World} {Heritage} {Monuments} using SAR {Satellite} data, {Interferometry} and {Geodetic} {Techniques} : {The} {Case} {Study} of {Chroirokitia} {Archaeological} {Site}, {Cyprus}},
    author = {Fotiou, K.},
    year = {2019}

  • Pekri, M.. 2019. Calculation of Tidal Levels in Limassol Area through the processing of measurements of the completed Tidal Station of Limassol. Master Thesis, Limassol, Cyprus.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Calculation} of {Tidal} {Levels} in {Limassol} {Area} through the processing of measurements of the completed {Tidal} {Station} of {Limassol}},
    author = {Pekri, M.},
    year = {2019}

  • Kakouris, A.. 2019. A Review of Past and Current Satellite Altimetry Missions. Master Thesis, Limassol, Cyprus.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {A {R}eview of {P}ast and {C}urrent {S}atellite {A}ltimetry {M}issions},
    author = {Kakouris, A.},
    year = {2019}


  • Lazarou, T.. 2017. Assessment of Terrain-Aided GNSS-based vehicle navigation in urban environments. Master Thesis, Limassol, Cyprus.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Assessment of {Terrain-Aided} {GNSS}-based vehicle navigation in urban environments},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Lazarou, T.},
    year = {2017}

  • Floride, T.. 2017. Implementation of a novel GIS-based hiking web service for Cyprus. Master Thesis, Limassol, Cyprus.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Implementation of a novel {GIS}-based hiking web service for {Cyprus}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Floride, T.},
    year = {2017}

  • Nicolaou, A.. 2017. A Review of Recent Developments in Early Warning Fire Detection Systems. Master Thesis, Cyprus.
    address = {Cyprus},
    title = {A {Review} of {Recent} {Developments} in {Early} {Warning} {Fire} {Detection} {Systems}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Nicolaou, A.},
    year = {2017}

  • Papageorgiou, E.. 2017. Assessment of the Ability of Commercial Autonomous Aerial Systems to Support Precise Agriculture. Master Thesis, Cyprus.
    address = {Cyprus},
    title = {Assessment of the {Ability} of {Commercial} {Autonomous} {Aerial} {Systems} to {Support} {Precise} {Agriculture}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Papageorgiou, E.},
    year = {2017}

Bachelor’s Theses


  • Pieretti, N.. 2021. Tidal Level Estimation by processing measurements of the CUT Integrated Tide Gauge Station in Limassol for the Year 2020. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Tidal} {Level} {Estimation} by processing measurements of the {CUT} {I}ntegrated {Tide} {Gauge} {Station} in {Limassol} for the {Y}ear 2020},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Pieretti, N.},
    PUBLISHER = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2021}

  • Michael, A.. 2021. Investigation and Verification of the Leica LS15 Industrial-grade Level Performance using Different Levelling Methodologies. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Investigation} and {Verification} of the {L}eica {LS15} {I}ndustrial-grade {L}evel {P}erformance using {D}ifferent {L}evelling {M}ethodologies},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Michael, A.},
    PUBLISHER = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2021}

  • Sofokleous, S.. 2021. Comparison of the Single-base and Network rtk Services Performance of CYPOS and ATLAS. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Comparison} of the {S}ingle-base and {N}etwork RTK {S}ervices {P}erformance of {CYPOS} and {ATLAS}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Sofokleous, S.},
    PUBLISHER = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2021}

  • Christou, K.. 2021. Performance Comparison between Different Industrial-grade Levels. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{P}erformance {C}omparison between {D}ifferent {I}ndustrial-grade {L}evels},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Christou, K.},
    PUBLISHER = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2021}

  • Ioannou, A.. 2021. Observation Quality Assessment of the CyCLOPS GNSS Permanent Reference Stations Network. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{O}bservation {Quality} {Assessment} of the {CyCLOPS} {GNSS} {Permanent} {Reference} {Stations} {Network}} ,
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Ioannou, A.},
    PUBLISHER = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2021}

  • Epiphaniou, C.. 2021. 3d Position Estimation and Adjustment of the CUT Local Geodetic Network at the Old Port of Limassol. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {3D {P}osition {E}stimation and {A}djustment of the {CUT} {L}ocal {G}eodetic {N}etwork at the {O}ld {P}ort of {L}imassol},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Epiphaniou, C.},
    PUBLISHER = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2021}

  • Yiangou, Y.. 2021. The History of Geodetic Infrastructure of Cyprus. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {The {H}istory of {G}eodetic {I}nfrastructure of {C}yprus},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Yiangou, Y.},
    PUBLISHER = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2021}


  • Asprogenous, A.. 2020. Geodesy Applications for Protection and Management of Cultural Heritage Monuments. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Geodesy} {Applications} for {Protection} and {Management} of {Cultural} {Heritage} {Monuments}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Asprogenous, A.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2020}

  • Kyriacou, I.. 2020. Determination of Tidal Levels in Tide-Gauge Station in Limassol Area for the year 2019. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Determination} of {Tidal} {Levels} in {Tide-Gauge} {Station} in {Limassol} {Area} for the year 2019},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Kyriacou, I.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2020}

  • Kanaris, G.. 2020. GNSS-based Network Adjustment at the Vasilico Industrial Area in Larnaca. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{GNSS}-based {Network} {Adjustment} at the {Vasilico} {I}ndustrial {Area} in {Larnaca}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Kanaris, G.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2020}


  • Chrysanthou, P.. 2019. Determination of Levelling Benchmark Locations of the Cyprus Tide-Gauge Network “PYTHEAS” using Static Positioning. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Determination} of {Levelling} {Benchmark} {Locations} of the {Cyprus} {Tide-Gauge} {Network} {"PYTHEAS"} using {Static} {Positioning}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Chrysanthou, P.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2019}

  • Nicholaou, C.. 2019. Determination and Connection of the new Tide-Gauge Stations Network of Cyprus with the existing lvd93 Vertical Frame. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Determination} and {Connection} of the new {Tide-Gauge} {Stations} {Network} of {Cyprus} with the existing LVD93 {Vertical} {Frame}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Nicholaou, C.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2019}

  • Touloupis, G.. 2019. Determination of Ground Movements using gnss measurements in Choirokitia Archeological Site for the period of 2017-2019. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Determination} of {Ground} {Movements} using GNSS measurements in {Choirokitia} {Archeological} {Site} for the period of 2017-2019},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    author = {Touloupis, G.},
    year = {2019}

  • Papazachariou, Z.. 2019. GPS/GNSS Networks and Geodetic Infrastructure in Cyprus. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{GPS/GNSS} {Networks} and {Geodetic} {Infrastructure} in {Cyprus}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Papazachariou, Z.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2019}

  • Kakoullis, D.. 2019. Comparison of New Generation rtk Receivers with and without Tilt Compensation. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Comparison} of {New} {Generation} RTK {Receivers} with and without {Tilt} {Compensation}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Kakoullis, D.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2019}


  • Avgousti, M.. 2018. Precise Volumetric Quantitative in Quarries using Ground-based and Airborne Geospatial Techniques. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Precise {Volumetric} {Quantitative} in {Quarries} using {Ground-based} and {Airborne} {Geospatial} {Techniques}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Avgousti, M.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2018}

  • Constantinou, N.. 2018. Implementation of a novel Low-cost Multi-sensor Platform for Effective Monitoring of Landslides. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Implementation of a novel {Low-cost} {Multi-sensor} {Platform} for {Effective} {Monitoring} of {Landslides}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Constantinou, N.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2018}

  • Hadjiioannou, A.. 2018. Densification and Adjustment of the Limassol Local Vertical Control Network. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Densification and {Adjustment} of the {Limassol} {Local} {Vertical} {Control} {Network}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Hadjiioannou, A.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2018}

  • Theofanous, T.. 2018. Horizontal Adjustment of the Limassol Local Geodetic Network. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Horizontal {Adjustment} of the {Limassol} {Local} {Geodetic} {Network}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Theofanous, T.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2018}

  • Mina, G.. 2018. Initial Determination of local Limassol Hydrographic Datum based on the new LIMA Tide Gauge Data. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Initial {Determination} of local {Limassol} {Hydrographic} {Datum} based on the new {LIMA} {Tide} {Gauge} {Data}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Mina, G.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2018}

  • Kitsios, D.. 2018. Effective Construction Project Monitoring using Novel Geospatial Technologies. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Effective {Construction} {Project} {Monitoring} using {Novel} {Geospatial} {Technologies}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Kitsios, D.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2018}

  • Lyra, I.. 2018. Delays Causes in Construction Works at International and Local Levels. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{Delays} {Causes} in {Construction} {Works} at {International} and {Local} {Levels}},
    author = {Lyra, I.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2018}


  • Aristodemou, S.. 2017. Establishment of a Vertical control network at the Eastern Sector of Limassol. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Establishment of a {Vertical} control network at the {Eastern} {Sector} of {Limassol}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Aristodemou, S.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2017}

  • Pekri, M.. 2017. A new precise Digital Terrain Model for the city of Limassol derived from high-precision Levelling, GNSS observations and National SDI data. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {A new precise {Digital} {Terrain} {Model} for the city of {Limassol} derived from high-precision {Levelling}, {GNSS} observations and {National} {SDI} data},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    author = {Pekri, M.},
    year = {2017}

  • Charalambous, N.. 2017. New Adjustment of the Vertical Control Network at the EAC main electrical power facility. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {New {Adjustment} of the {Vertical} {Control} {Network} at the {EAC} main electrical power facility},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Charalambous, N.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2017}

  • Prigis, E.. 2017. Computation of a new Geometric Geoid Model for the area of Limassol. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Computation of a new {Geometric} {Geoid} {Model} for the area of {Limassol}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    author = {Prigis, E.},
    year = {2017}

  • Tsaparilas, P.. 2017. GNSS-based Displacement Monitoring at the EAC Main Electrical Power Station (Period 2012 – 2017). Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {{GNSS}-based {Displacement} {Monitoring} at the {EAC} {Main} {Electrical} {Power} {Station} ({Period} 2012 - 2017)},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Tsaparilas, P.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2017}

  • Louka, H.. 2017. Development of a modern ASP-based Coordinate Transformation Service for Cyprus. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Development of a modern {ASP}-based {Coordinate} {Transformation} {Service} for {Cyprus}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Louka, H.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2017}

  • Harilaou, S.. 2017. Establishment of a 3D Geodetic Control Network to Estimate Landslide Risk at the Chirochitia Neolithic Settlement. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Establishment of a {3D} {Geodetic} {Control} {Network} to {Estimate} {Landslide} {Risk} at the {Chirochitia} {Neolithic} {Settlement}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Harilaou, S.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2017}


  • Hadjinicolaou, M.. 2016. Tectonic deformation monitoring of the area of Limassol using GNSS observations (Period 2012 – 2015). Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Tectonic deformation monitoring of the area of {Limassol} using {GNSS} observations ({Period} 2012 - 2015)},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Hadjinicolaou, M.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2016}

  • Ilia, I.. 2016. Tectonic deformation monitoring of the area of Paphos using GNSS observations (Period 2012 – 2015). Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Tectonic deformation monitoring of the area of {Paphos} using {GNSS} observations ({Period} 2012 - 2015)},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Ilia, I.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2016}

  • Kolovou, P.. 2016. Establishment of a Vertical control network at the West Sector of Limassol. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Establishment of a {Vertical} control network at the {West} {Sector} of {Limassol}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Kolovou, P.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2016}

  • Evangelou, Z.. 2016. Determination of displacements of the Electrical Authority of Cyprus (EAC) control network at Vassilico Power Station using GNSS techniques. Limassol, Cyprus. .
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Determination of displacements of the {Electrical} {Authority} of {Cyprus} ({EAC}) control network at {Vassilico} {Power} {Station} using {GNSS} techniques},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Evangelou, Z.},
    year = {2016}

  • Lazarou, T.. 2016. Characterisation and Assessment of the ability of Modern Smartphone Devices to aid Vehicle Navigation in Challenging Environments. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Characterisation and {Assessment} of the ability of {Modern} {Smartphone} {Devices} to aid {Vehicle} {Navigation} in {Challenging} {Environments}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Lazarou, T.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2016}

  • Kaizer, M.. 2016. Assessment of PPP Performance using Low-Cost Single-Frequency GNSS Receivers. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Assessment of {PPP} {Performance} using {Low-Cost} {Single}-{Frequency} {GNSS} {Receivers}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Kaizer, M.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2016}

  • Odysseos, S.. 2016. Computation of a geometric geoid model for the Central & West Sector of the city of Limassol. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Computation of a geometric geoid model for the {Central} \& {West} {Sector} of the city of {Limassol}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Odysseos, S.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2016}


  • Kalogirou, V.. 2015. Design of an Application Programming Interface (API) for the implementation of Web Coordinate Transformation Services. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Design of an {Application} {Programming} {Interface} ({API}) for the implementation of {Web} {Coordinate} {Transformation} {Services}},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Kalogirou, V.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2015}

  • Christodoulou, A.. 2015. Assessment of server- and cloud-based GIS technologies for the implementation of web-based geodetic infrastructure portals. Limassol, Cyprus: Bachelor’s Thesis.
    address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
    title = {Assessment of server- and cloud-based {GIS} technologies for the implementation of web-based geodetic infrastructure portals},
    school = {Cyprus University of Technology},
    author = {Christodoulou, A.},
    publisher = {{Bachelor's} {Thesis}},
    year = {2015}