Achilleos 1 Building, 1st Floor,
Saripolou 2-8, 3036, Limassol, Cyprus
P: +357 25 245014
F: +357 25 002884


Establishment of the CyCLOPS GNSS & InSAR Permanent Segment


The Permanent Segment (PS) of CyCLOPS includes six (6) cutting-edge high-rate GPS/GNSS CORS reference stations, weather stations, and tilt-meters, which have been installed at specific sites, on top of highly-stable monuments to monitor ground displacements. The stations are located all over Cyprus, specifically two (2) in Limassol, one in Nicosia District, one (1) in Larnaca and one (1) in Paphos District. Each GPS/GNSS CORS station is positioned next to seismographs of the national seismological network. Additionally, the PS of the CyCLOPS Multi-Parametric Network (MPN) includes a total number of twelve (12) specifically designed calibration-grade InSAR Corner Reflectors. The array of Corner Reflectors was established in the aforementioned six (6) sites by installing two (2) Corner Reflectors per site to account for both the ascending and descending tracks of SAR satellites. Our CRs have significant flexibility in orientation (both in azimuth and elevation angle) to support all current SAR missions, from Sentinel-1 to TerraSAR-X and are fully compliant with the global array of CRs established by DLR. When combining GPS/GNSS with InSAR measurements, the gaps within the GPS/GNSS CORS network can be filled, and various anomalies of a small spatial extent that would potentially be missed within a network of discrete point observations can be eventually captured. As a result, the determination and monitoring of the 3D coordinates and velocities in a common geodetic reference frame can be achieved. The installation phase has been successfully completed in July 2021. Photos and sensor details from the new sites follow:

CyCLOPS Permanent Stations Details
Monumentation: Shallow-Drilled Braced Quadpod or Stainless Steel Truss
GNSS Antenna: Trimble® Ti-v2 Geodetic Choke Ring with SCIGN Radome
Weather Station: Vaisala PTU 307 with solar radiation shield
Tiltmeter: Jewell D-711-A-S
Geological Background: Bedrock

Photos from the CyCLOPS MPN


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