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Development of COVID-19 WebGIS Services

Covid-19 Dashboard

In December 2019 an outbreak of novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19, SARS-COV-2) in Wuhan, China has spread quickly only needing 30 days to expand nationwide. In a short time, COVID-19 spread into many countries worldwide with the number of cases and the number of deaths rising rapidly. Consequently, on the 12th of March, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.

The Laboratory of Geodesy (LoG) and the Geoinformatics Cluster of the ERATOSTHENES Center of Excellence (ECoE) have developed two WebGIS Platforms: (a) a global service, which updates automatically using data from multiple sources, and (b) a Cyprus service to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in Cyprus. Furthermore, an animated map service based on media sources was implemented, illustrating the virus spread history. All services were developed using ESRI products and were published on the ESRI COVID-19 Global Resources Dashboard.

Links to WebGIS Services:

Covid-19 Global Cases Dashboard

Tracing the Origins of Covid-19

Covid-19 Cyprus Cases Dashboard (Beta)


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