The Laboratory of Geodesy (LoG) is housed in the Cyprus University of Technology Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics in Limassol, Cyprus since 2007
The laboratory is conducting basic and applied research on the following areas:
• Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS);
• Strategic Research Earth Observation (EO) Monitoring Infrastructures;
• Deformation monitoring of physical and man-made processes;
• Coordinate Reference Systems and Frames;
• Geodetic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR);
• Ubiquitous and Collaborative Positioning;
• Marine Geodesy and Hydrographic Surveying;
• Satellite Altimetry;
• Engineering Geodesy;
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS);
• Location-based Services.
To address needs of the following application domains:
• Earth Sciences;
• Infrastructure Resilience;
• Spatial Data Infrastructure;
• Civil Defense;
• Construction Project Management and Control;
• Cultural Heritage;
• Transportation Systems;
• Mining;
• Maritime Surveillance;
• Atmospheric Sciences;
• Agriculture;
• Public Health.
Throughout the years, the LoG staff has developed extensive experience in the establishment and operation of permanent space-based infrastructures. LoG is currently developing its own network of Tier-1/2 GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS), abbreviated CyCLOPS, which consists of eleven (11) permanent state-of-the-art high-rate GNSS receivers co-located with trihedral corner reflectors (CR) to generate very precise ground deformation products and perform SAR CalVal processes. Furthermore, the LoG operates an integrated GNSS and radar tide gauge station in Limassol to determine tidal levels and monitor sea-level rise. Additionally, the lab maintains its own horizontal and vertical control network spanning the entire city of Limassol. Our personnel have substantial experience in performing precise geodetic and reality capture operations using a wide range of terrestrial and airborne sensors, from precise total stations, GNSS receivers and levels to laser scanners and survey-grade UAVs. Additionally, the laboratory possesses extensive knowledge of the major state-of-the-art GNSS, collaborative positioning, terrestrial and airborne surveying software, as well as more specialized tools for SAR processing and Satellite Altimetry. Moreover, the lab has developed on-purpose build platforms and custom geohazards monitoring solutions using low-cost sensors and programming boards. Software development is another core lab activity addressing a wide range of services, from desktop applications, such as standalone coordinate transformation software, GNSS pre and post-processing, and custom GIS-plugins to cross-platform mobile apps for specialized operations, such as crowdsourced data acquisition for disaster management, waste management, and many others. Finally, GIS are used throughout our research either as standalone services or in a location-based scheme. GNSS and GIS unification has always been a driving force for the implementation of many projects and scientific endeavors using both commercial (ESRI) and open-source platforms (QGIS) .
Our Mission
Our Mission is two-fold:
- Conduct high-quality research to address critical geodetic and interdisciplinary needs;
- Provide an innovative capacity building environment to educate the next generation of geomatic engineers and train stakeholders to raise geodetic competence and skills.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to become a regional geodetic centre of excellence and promote global geodetic initiatives, frameworks and targets in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean region.